- 26 Insanely Useful iPhone Tips That You May Not Know About. Day to Day I share trick & tips There are so many features on the iPhone that I enjoy using such as 3D Touch, AirDrop, Night Shift, Widgets, and voicemail transcriptions. If you have been using an iPhone for a while, then you probably already know how to use most of the features. However, there are a number of features that are under-the-radar which could be useful. Here are 26 of the best iPhone tips that you may not know about: 1.) Block Data Usage On Specific Apps Ability To Block Cellular Data Bhavya patel Whenever I use the YouTube app while on-the-go, I tend to run out of my data allotment pretty quickly. Fortunately, there is a way to block certain apps from using your data by going to Settings app > Cellular and disabling cellular data usage for specific apps under the Use Cellular Data For section . This can be especially useful if you are starting to run low o...
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